林信宏傳道 Enoch Lin

Campus Ministry Director

林信宏传道出生于基督教家庭,1996年全家移民美国,目前是慕迪圣经学院(Moody Bible Seminary)道学硕士(MDiv)的学生,和妻子丁怡嘉育有两个儿子(Noah and Micah)。他曾经历一段徬徨少年时期,像先知约拿一样逃避上帝的呼召,从事了很多其他工作,例如加入美国空军(Air National Guard),并且做了好几年的电机工程师。直到2017年,深感再不回应神的呼召,似乎就亏欠了神白白的恩典。于是,于2017年正式加入磐石宣道会,成为校园事工主任,希望在Penn State校园为主赢得更多年轻的灵魂。从此以后,每日过着比以前上班时还忙碌,但却乐此不疲的传道生活。

丁怡嘉师母来自台湾,2004年来美读研究所,毕业于纽约州立大学水牛城分校(SUNY at Buffalo),专业是美国文学和亚裔研究(Asian American Studies)。她在高中时期信主,体会到学生事工对年轻人有深远的影响,因此一直对学生的福音工作很有负担。现在和信宏传道一起在磐石教会服事学生,非常享受和学生们一起成长的时光。喜欢阅读文学作品、听音乐,有空时会写点文章。

Enoch Lin was born into a Christian family. He immigrated to the United States with his parents in 1996. He is currently a student of Moody Theological Seminary  (MDiv). He and his wife, Yica Ding, have two sons, Noah and Micah. During his youth, Enoch went through a rebellious stage, ignoring God's call, like Jonah the prophet. Instead, he pursued other work, including joining the Air National Guard and working as an electrical engineer for several years. Until 2017, he felt he owed God for undeserved grace despite not responding to God's call. Finally, in 2017, he joined State College Chinese Alliance Church and became the director of campus ministry, hoping to win more young souls for God at Penn State. Since then, he has been busier than ever, but enjoys what he is doing now. 

Yica Ding is from Taiwan. She came to the United States in 2004 for her graduate students at SUNY Buffalo, majoring in American Literature and Asian American Studies. She received the Lord in high school. Realizing how great an impact student ministry can have on young people, Yica has always been passionate about student ministry. Now she serves with Enoch in student ministry at SCCAC, where she enjoys growing with the students she serves. In her leisure time, she likes reading literature, listening to music, and writing articles.